Monday, June 9, 2008

Zoo pictures!

Ok, so I didn't do too well keeping my promise to post pics soon, as my lovely sister pointed out. =) Things have been crazy, and I kept waiting for them to slow down, but I decided that isn't going to happen anytime soon, so I am posting are the LONG overdue zoo pictures. Jasmine and I had a lot of fun going to the zoo with friends from church, Erin and Jonathan. Jasmine and Jonathan had fun seeing animals together. We hope to go again soon!

Jasmine getting ready to head into the zoo

Jasmine & Jonathan looking at elephants

Looking at the rhino

Jasmine pointed out the "kitty" (lion cubs) to every one that came by. =)

Jasmine snacking on her favorite thing...french fry!

Jasmine & Mommy looking at the gorillas

awwwww...kissing the baby gorilla!

I think she was getting annoyed that he would not look at her.....

So there you have it, you have finally seen the fun we had at the zoo! I won't make any promises, but I hope to stay more on top of this! =)

Have a great day!

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